Computer Programs
i-Ready (Math & Language Arts)
This school year, our district purchased a new program for all of our students called i-Ready to replace both of our former programs LEXIA & LGL. The program i-Ready is what teachers use for formal assessment each trimester (instead of LGL). Based on how students score on the assessment, the program provides a series of lessons to support students in the areas they need more instruction (instead of LEXIA). i-Ready provides individualized instruction for students in both Math & Language Arts.
Using i-Ready at Home
It's a great idea for your children to get extra practice on i-Ready at home. This is a program they need to work on independently and without your support. Teachers will be notified if a student is struggling to pass an activity and can deliver targeted lessons at school to support. It is recommended for students to work on i-Ready for 20-25 minutes per session. They can split their time between Math and Reading or they can do one for the entirety of their session.
*Parenting Tip* Just because your child is using their computer, doesn't mean they are focused on i-Ready. They could be distracted by watching videos on YouTube or playing games on the internet. Supervise their i-Ready time by watching their screens. If you cannot watch their screen (you're cooking dinner, cleaning, etc.) require them to keep their sound on so you can hear to make sure they are doing their i-Ready activities.
i-Ready Supported Devices
i-Ready only works on iPad (no other tablets) and computers.
- If you do not have an iPad or computer at home talk to your child’s teacher about borrowing a school Chromebook.
- You will have to sign a permission slip that informs you that you are responsible for paying for any lost or damaged computers/accessories.
- Your child will likely need to bring their Chromebook back and forth from home to school since the Chromebooks are used frequently in the classroom.
You can also visit this i-Ready webpage to check to see if the system and network on the device you are using is configured to support i-Ready:
i-Ready also has a Family Center webpage that has more in depth information about the program. This webpage can be seen in English or Spanish.
Logging into i-Ready at Home
Once you have the appropriate device then your child can log into i-Ready at home to get more practice on i-Ready.
- First, you must go to the internet browser (Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) and have your child log into their ClassLink account that has all your child’s programs in one place and signs them onto them easily.
- ClassLink:
Then, Sign into ClassLink by using scanning the QR code or with the root of their email (juken is the root of my email & password.
Upper grade students (3rd-6th) most likely have their information memorized by now. If not, contact your child’s teacher.
Lower grade students (TK-2nd) most likely do NOT have their information memorized. Most lower grade teachers have printed QR codes to help students log into their ClassLink account.
Ask their teacher for the QR code.
To use the QR code option you need to make sure your device has a camera that can scan the QR code and your Settings on the device allow the camera to work.
Once your child has signed into ClassLink they can click on the icon for the i-Ready program they want to work on and they should be logged into the program immediately.
*For iPad you'll need to download the free i-Ready app to your device.
If you have trouble logging in after following all these steps, contact your child's teacher to make sure you have the correct login information.
If your child is in grades K-2, your child has access to Learning A-Z which is a fantastic resource to support your child's growth in reading. It has hundreds of books at your child’s reading level and has amazing supports to help them feel successful. The students first listen to a narrator read the story and as they say each word it's highlighted on the screen so the students can follow along. Then the student reads the book to themselves - if they get stuck on a word they can just click on the word and the program will tell them the word. After they finish reading, they answer questions about the story to make sure they understood what they were reading. This program is amazing because your child can do it completely independently and it will help them become confident readers!
Supported Devices
One of the best things about Learning A-Z is you can use it on most devices! Phones, tablets, and computers!
That means you could be waiting in line at the grocery store and your child could be practicing reading! While you're on your long car ride, your child could be practicing reading!
*Parenting Tip* Just because your child is using their device, doesn't mean they are focused on Learning A-Z. They could be distracted by watching videos on YouTube or playing games on the internet. Supervise their Learning A-Z time by watching their screens. If you cannot watch their screen (you're cooking dinner, cleaning, etc.) require them to keep their sound on so you can hear the program and tell them you need to hear them reading out loud as well.
Logging into Learning A-Z at Home
To use at home, you must first go to the ClassLink Webpage that has all your child’s programs in one place and signs them onto them easily.
- ClassLink:
Then, Sign into ClassLink by using scanning the QR code. Most lower grade teachers have printed QR codes to help students log into their ClassLink account.
- Ask their teacher for the QR code.
- To use the QR code option you need to make sure your device has a camera that can scan the QR code and your Settings on the device allow the camera to work.
Once logged into ClassLink, they will click on the Learning A-Z icon and be automatically logged into the program.
*For phones/tablets you'll need to download the free Learning A-Z app to your device.
- If you have trouble logging in after following all these steps, contact your child's teacher.